Kegworth Preschool is a Department of Education Preschool within the grounds of Kegworth Public School in Leichhardt.
Children attend our Kegworth Preschool Centre for one year only, prior to commencing formal education in Kindergarten. Each program group accommodates up to twenty children.
The Preschool operates a full day program, offering up to 18 hours of pre-school instruction on a 5 day fortnight rotation, with a choice of either:
- Kangaroos Program – weekly every Monday & Tuesday and alternate Wednesdays;
- Koala Program – alternate Wednesdays and weekly every Thursday and Friday.
Names may be placed on the waiting list from the first week in April of the year prior to attendance at preschool.
Please contact the Kegworth administration office by phone on 9569 7320 or by email at
kegworth-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au for more details or to apply.
Preschool Principles
The prior-to-school class is an integral component of the whole school.
Children, teachers, and families are involved in school celebrations and special events and use school resources, programs and facilities.
The child-centred program operates in ways that acknowledge each child as a capable and resourceful learner.
The Preschool incorporates Kegworth’s “Positive Behaviour for Learning” (PBL) strategies in guiding children’s behaviour.
The school has 3 school-wide expectations:
- Courtesy
- Care
- Commitment
We begin to teach these expectations in the Preschool using a positive approach which includes providing support for the child to be successful in learning appropriate behaviour e.g. picture stories, prompts and verbal feedback.
The children are active participants in our whole school Transition Program in Term 4, which is based on the research on best practice by Dockett and Perry.
The Preschool teachers collaborate with specialist personnel and agencies to ensure a successful model of service delivery and effective programs for children.
Core Purpose
The core purpose of the Preschool is to promote children’s wellbeing, development and learning.
Parents, carers, the community and the school share the responsibility of facilitating this core purpose by building positive partnerships which enhance planning, implementing and evaluating programs.
The programs provide experiences in the languages/cognitive, personal, social/emotional and physical domains.
The learning environment provides materials and subject matter that support and challenge the children.
The Kegworth Preschool Program
The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia is the basis of all our programs. It places specific emphasis on play-based learning and recognises the importance of communication and language (including early literacy and numeracy) and social and emotional development.
There are five Learning Outcomes within the Framework and experiences are planned to enable each child to work towards achieving these Outcomes.
The Outcomes are broad and observable. They acknowledge that children learn in a variety of ways and vary in their capabilities and pace of learning.
The Outcomes are:
- Children have a strong sense of identity.
- Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
- Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
- Children are confident and involved learners.
- Children are effective communicators.
Children’s learning is ongoing and each child will progress towards the outcomes in different and equally meaningful ways. Educators plan with each child and the outcomes in mind.
The Centre's Daily Program
The educational program is based upon the children’s active involvement in a variety of planned and spontaneous activities and experiences.
Children are free to choose the areas of interest in which they participate through free play (both indoors and outdoors).
Group times involve rich language based activities such as stories, finger plays, picture talks, puppets, flannel graph stories and object talks.
Music and movement activities include singing, the use of percussion instruments, drama, dancing, creative movement and singing games.
Staff carefully plan and supervise the program. Specific experiences will be provided to cater for the developmental needs of the children.
The experiences provided each day will usually include:-
- Art and craft
- Manipulative and fine motor activities e.g. construction, collage, cutting, pasting
- Social science e.g. maths, scientific and investigating experiences.
- Gross motor skills e.g., climbing, running, balancing, exploring outdoor environment
- Language and literature
- Music and movement
- Bathroom routines
- Safety and health routines
- Lunch and Afternoon tea
- Quiet time / passive activities